How to Become a Stripper
How to Become a Stripper
Becoming a stripper is easy -- most clubs are usually looking for more help. If you've considered the benefits and ramifications of the job and have decided that you want to go for it, read on.

Finding the Right Club

Visit clubs you'd like to work for. It's a good idea to take a week or two and go around town to scope out the places you're considering auditioning for. Go incognito and grab a male friend, if possible; you need to get the feel for the atmosphere and the clientele before you dedicate your time there as an employee. If you see that a club is letting too many rules slip, go to another club. You do not want to work in a club where there could be harm done to the girls or they are not treated respectfully. There are three different types of gentleman's clubs: Upscale types. These types of clubs have dress codes and you are often expected to wear a long gown that falls somewhere between evening wear and lingerie. They often have high house fees and support staff that you are expected to tip out -- generally speaking, an average of 10-20% of your total nightly income. These clubs are often filled with business men and city dwellers who prefer more upscale establishments, so expect to match their demographic (and spend lots of money) with gowns, rhinestone jewelry, and the whole nine yards. For the record, these clubs tend to be large in size and have a lot of entertainers working nightly. Neighborhood Clubs. These types of clubs are a little more laid back and often attract locals or tourists, depending on the location. You can be a little more flexible with your costumes and themes at this type of establishment. This is usually a good place to start if you are new to dancing as well. Some of the clubs are located in industrial areas and others are like neighborhood bars with topless or nude entertainment. Third tier or dive bars. These are usually located in very rural areas of town and often have less than average clientele. They are usually very lenient with the hiring process and attract a rougher crowd.

Ask questions. Once you do find a place you can see yourself working at, ask a girl about her experience working there. Do they charge to work there? Is tipping out required? (That's where you give part of your earnings to the club/staff. If so, how much do you have to tip out? Forking over 50% of your cash every night probably isn't worth it. Different clubs vary and can change nightly also. If you've the time and interest, consider asking a couple girls their take on the work environment. The wider a sample you get, the more likely you are to get the truth. And don't forget to ask them where they buy their clothes!

Find the manager or house mom. If the employee you're talking to makes the venue sound promising, ask her to point you in the direction of the manager. Once you find them, you can let him/her know you're interested and would like an audition. Ask him/her all the necessary details: when the audition is, how long it would last (i.e., the number of songs), what you should wear, and if they're the manager on duty that night. Once everything is established, feel free to stay and win them over with your charming personality and ask more questions about protocol to put your mind at ease. If you're feeling particularly inquisitive, ask the same questions you asked of the employees to verify what you've been told.

What You Need to Get Started

Assemble your wardrobe. You can find stripper-wear in catalogs, porn stores, and various places online. Just make sure your outfit is easy to take off while wearing heels. Make sure you're aware of the laws of where you are working; some states expect you to wear a certain type of underwear. All things considered, here's a list of what you should buy: High heels (generally, you're looking at a 3" minimum) A thong (find out the laws where you live; most exotic dancers wear "regulation" g-strings) Lingerie or legitimate dance costume

Get a good grasp of the situation. Sit down with yourself and a cup of coffee and think about if this is really what you want to do. Some women have found that they're ostracized in any and all circles for being a stripper, or even just having been one in the past. Are you armed to deal with the psychological consequences as well? What's more, money is not necessarily a guarantee. If you are good, you can expect to make up to $500 during a day shift or up to $1,000+ on night shift (location depending). But if you do not know how to handle yourself and "sell" your services, you may go home with no money and in debt. It is not carved in stone that if you walk into a strip club and look good you will make money. Keep in mind that competition is fierce. Yes, the job is based partly on looks, but there are girls who look like supermodels who can leave the club in the red. Most girls who start stripping do not realize that stripping is a sales job where they are selling their time, their attention and dances for money. You can't just show up and "phone it in" to make a decent wage.

Be comfortable with having no personal bubble. When at work, you will be constantly gawked at, touched, and possibly feel violated. You will need to get used to being naked around strangers and strangers trying to touch you in ways you may not want to be touched. Though it sounds rather daunting, it does get easier with time. Customers will try (or will) grope you against your will the most if you are in a contact club. There are also non-contact clubs where the no-touching rule is strictly enforced. By law in pretty much every state, customers are not allowed to touch you, but that doesn't always prevent it from happening. You have to have a strong backbone, stand up for yourself, and enforce the rules for the club at times.

Get in shape. Though the entire world seems to revolve around looks and sex appeal, this is one industry when it takes the throne and runs laps around the competition. If you're not in shape, you'll probably make less money, point blank. You by no means have to be perfect! No girl is. But it's a good idea to start toning up your body -- you'll feel more confident on stage, too, and confidence is the closest thing to having a miracle worker in your tool belt. Start eating healthy and exercising, if you're not already conscious of these lifestyle habits. Strippers come in all shapes and sizes; there is no prerequisite when it comes to dancing. Like noted earlier, if you can't sell yourself (regardless of how beautiful you are), you won't be able to make a career out of this. Toning up is just one (albeit an important one) of many steps needed to be competent and successful in this industry.

Planning Your Audition

Practice your routine before you show up for a club audition. Make sure to wear your heels while you're practicing -- the same routine done barefoot will feel completely foreign when done in heels for the first time. Dancing and stripping simultaneously in high heels will be the most challenging part of your routine. Having a mirror or a video recorder will help you see what you look like and what areas you need to improve upon (or nix entirely). If you have an upcoming audition, consider calming your nerves and dancing at an amateur night at a different strip club. Practicing alone in your room or in front of your boyfriend will not offer you the same experience as legitimately dancing for strangers. Getting a night in beforehand can seriously take the edge off your anxiety.

Pick the right songs. Usually, you'll be looking at a three-song set up of fast, medium, and slow tempo music. Find a song that fits each category (that you like and know well!) and develop a basic routine. You can deviate from each one a bit, but having the basics down will help keep you confident. Try not to do anything that's too repetitive; you might come off as a one-trick pony if you repeat the same move too often. Each tempo should set you up with a different vibe and thus each song should be orchestrated differently in your movements.

For beginners, stay away from pole tricks. If you haven't practiced them beforehand, most likely what you try to do will not be sexy. You will learn them in time, so relax -- you don't need them for your audition. The best way to learn how to pole dance is to watch videos online. Then, copy the easier moves. Another alternative is to take pole dancing classes. Of course, wikiHow sheds some light on the topic, too.

At Try-Outs

Choose a stage name. You don't want to become infamous using your real name, so pick an appropriate pseudonym for yourself. And make sure to have an alternative or two! More than likely the name you pick will already be taken. Stay away from over-used names like Angel, Diamond or Rose. There are two ways to proceed when picking a name: A name that sounds relatively normal. Pick something that fits your personality, like Grace, Summer or Hope. A name that's slightly exotic. As a stripper, you are an exotic dancer. Why not pick something exotic? Gia, Amira or Ayesha would stand out.

Bring the appropriate belongings. For some auditions you may need to just bring your outfit in a bag, go to the club, and say you want to dance. Hopefully they'll ask you for your ID to make sure you're at least 18. Others won't let you near a stage until they look you over either in your street clothes or in your outfit -- so both looks need to sell you! If the manager wants you to "audition" anywhere other than the stage, get out of there! Places like this are either looking for "extras" girls or the manager is a pervert who tries to take advantage of the girls. Most clubs will put you on a satellite stage to audition. If you asked the right questions initially, you'll know how the procedure works.

Go for it. You've got your sexy lingerie on, your hair and makeup is perfect, and your nails are manicured to perfection. Now all you can do is feel the music, smile, and get your groove on. If they like you, great! When can you start? If they don't, don't take it personally. After all, who even knows your real name? If you're really set on working at that establishment, ask them how you can improve and when you can audition again. They may have more general audition nights or amateur nights. If they're completely uninterested, just go down the block!

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