Obtain some parent monsters. You can use any monsters that combine to provide Air, Earth, and Water elements, but the best parents to breed a Scups are a Noggin and a Quibble. This is because if you end up breeding a Noggin instead of a Scups you can almost instantly retry to get a Scups. Tweedle and Fwog are the second best parents for breeding a Scups, as they have the lowest breeding time. This is also the best combination if you're trying to breed a Rare Scups.
Level the parents to level 4. Monsters must be at least level 4 to breed, so level up your parent monsters if they're not already at least level 4.
Upgrade your Breeding Structures if you wish. While not necessary, you can upgrade your Breeding Structures to reduce breeding times by 25%. You can upgrade your structure by spending 25 diamonds. You can also add Wishing Torches around your Breeding Structure to help increase the odds of a rare monster being bred. Wishing Torches can be lit for 24 hours by paying 2 diamonds or be lit permanently by paying 100 diamonds.
Breed the parent monsters on Air Island. Once you're ready to breed your monsters, put them in the Breeding Structure. A Scups egg is furry and blue with purple stripes, similar in aesthetic to a Scups. To get a Rare Scups, you'll need to wait until a breeding window opens up. There are some promotions and events where all Rares of a certain element are available.
Wait for your Scups to hatch. By default, a Scups egg takes 12 hours to hatch. However, if you've got enhanced Breeding Structures, it will hatch in 10 hours and 48 minutes.
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