Where is the career line in palmistry?
Your career line runs from the base of your palm up to your fingers. The starting point is usually near the middle of the base of your palm and the ending point is usually near the base of your middle finger. However, your career line can start or end closer to your thumb or the outside of your hand instead of the middle of your palm. On some people, the career line may start or end closer to the middle of the palm.
What does the career line mean?
Your career line tells you about the path your jobs will take. It can tell you whether you’ll experience success or disruptions in your career, how you’ll overcome obstacles, and even when those obstacles will occur in your life. You can also get some insight into what type of jobs you’re well-suited for. To read your career line, you’ll look at where it starts and ends, how deep it is, how it interacts with the other lines on your hand, and whether the line has any other distinct features.
Depth of Career Line
Deep and long: If you have a clearly-defined career line that runs all the way from the base of your fingers down to the base of your palm, it usually indicates that you’ll have a successful career. You’ll typically stick to one career path, and it will be fairly smooth, without many significant obstacles. If you have this career line, you may do well at owning your own business.
More pronounced at bottom and lighter at top: On some people, the career line is clearer near the base of the palm, but narrow and shallow as it stretches up toward the fingers. If your career line looks like this, it could indicate that you’ll have a successful career in your earlier years, but it will be difficult as you near middle age. For instance, you might experience job loss or face unexpected health issues later in adulthood.
Shallow and wide: If your career line is fairly shallow but wide, it’s usually interpreted that you’ll work hard throughout your life. Unfortunately, you may not achieve much financial success. If your career line is shallow and wide, it could be a sign to put more energy into things you love outside of work.
Shallow and narrow: If your career line is hard to see because it’s shallow and thin, you may have a unique path waiting for you in life. This could be a sign that you might find success in a career that most people wouldn’t think of, like going to mime school or working as an avant-garde fashion designer. If you have this line, feel free to embrace your unconventional dreams!
Starting Point of Career Line
Starting at life line: Your life line usually starts at the side of your hand between your thumb and index finger and goes down to the base of your palm. If your career line originates from the bottom of your life line, it usually means you’re energetic, with a strong life force. People usually respond well to you, which can lead to a successful career. This can also indicate that you won’t find great fame or fortune, but you’ll likely be satisfied with the life you build.
Starting at head line: Your head line starts between your thumb and index finger and runs horizontally across your palm. If your career line starts at your head line and runs upward toward your fingers, it may indicate that you won’t find financial success until around age 35. If your career line looks like this, don’t get discouraged if you struggle with finances in your teens and 20s!
Starting at heart line: Your heart line starts below your fingers, usually close to where your index and middle fingers meet, and runs horizontally to the outside of your palm. If your career line starts at your heart line and runs upward to your fingers, you may struggle with your career and finances through most of your life. However, you may find success after the age of 50. This can be a sign that you’ll need to work later than most people instead of retiring.
Starting at Mount of Moon: The Mount of Moon is located at the base of your palm on the little finger side. If your career line starts on the Mount of Moon and curves upward to the middle of your hand, it means you’ll have strong working relationships with other people. If your career line starts at the Mount of Moon, lean into your network to help you find professional success. If you have a horizontal line on the Mount of Moon, it may mean that you’ll travel to another country to earn a living.
Starting at Mount of Venus: The Mount of Venus is the fleshy part of your palm just under your thumb. If your career line starts here and curves up your palm, it’s often a sign that you won’t have to worry about money. If your career line looks like this, it can be a sign that you’ll inherit money from your parents or other relatives.
Ending Point of Career Line
Ending at Mount of Saturn: The Mount of Saturn is the area of your hand just below your middle finger. If your career line runs from the base of your palm up through the Mount of Saturn, it means you’ll successfully build your fortune from the ground up. If you have another line running vertically from your ring finger down through the Mount of Moon—known as the Sun line—it indicates that you may have fewer obstacles in creating your business.
Ending at Mount of Jupiter: The Mount of Jupiter is just below your index finger. If your career line ends here, you may be more likely to become powerful and well-known. If your career line looks like this, you might strive for high-powered positions like being a CEO or an attorney at a prestigious firm, or you might follow a path like acting or music where you could become famous.
Ending at Mount of Sun: The Mount of Sun is located below your ring finger. If your career line ends here, you may be more likely to have natural artistic talent, and these talents can help you find career success. If your career line ends at Mount of Sun, you may be especially inclined to become a successful painter, musician, or designer.
Ending at Mount of Mercury: The Mount of Mercury is the area of your hand just below your little finger. If your career line stops at the Mount of Mercury, you may be especially successful at investing. Check both hands—if both of your career lines end in the Mount of Mercury, you’ll be especially likely to succeed in business pursuits.
Ending at heart line: If your career line stops at your heart line, you may run into obstacles by making career decisions based on emotions. You may also struggle financially after the age of 50. If your career line looks like this, take some time before making important decisions. For instance, if you’re thinking of leaving your job, make sure you have another one lined up rather than impulsively quitting.
Ending at head line: If your career line only runs from the base of your palm up to your head line, it could indicate that you will make bad business decisions that cut your career short. You may struggle with your career after about age 35. Weigh your career choices carefully, and consider starting a savings account while you’re young so you have something to fall back on.
Broken Career Line
If your career line is broken, your career may be interrupted. However, because the line begins again, it’s an indication that you will find success again. The location of the break can tell you more about the interruption: Broken near heart line: If you have a break in your career line near the heart line, you may struggle with your career around middle age. Broken at base of palm: If your career line is broken near the base of your palm, it means you’ve had a difficult childhood or adolescence. This may have interfered with your education, which can hold your career back in some ways. Broken near middle of palm: If your career line is broken around the middle of your palm, you may experience job loss in your middle age. You could also lose property or experience other financial hardships. Breaks into parallel lines: If your career line stops, then starts again in a new, parallel line, you may leave your career to start a new one.
Other Features of Carer Line
Oblique: If your career line originates near the outside of your palm and runs up toward your index finger at an angle, this is considered an “oblique” career line. It means that you have a tendency to think of things in a unique way, and embracing that may help you find success in your career. For instance, you might think of a unique way to make production more efficient, leading to a promotion!
Islands: If your career line has islands—or small circles of skin inside the line—it can indicate that you’ll have obstacles in your career. The location of the island can tell you more about the obstacle: If the island is near the intersection of your career line and head line, you may make bad financial decisions. If the island is near where your career line crosses your heart line, you may allow your emotions to impact your business choices. If you have an island near the beginning of your career line, you may have had a difficult childhood. If you have an island in the middle of your palm, you may have career difficulties in middle age.
Branching: If your career line is forked upward, the location of the forks can tell you more about whether you’ll have good fortunate in your career. If your career line forks into 3 branches (a Trident), you may find fame and great fortune in life. If you have two branches, one near your ring finger and one near the base of your thumb, you may aspire to too much and have difficulty finding success. If you have two branches that end near your ring finger and middle finger, you may own multiple businesses and be successful.
Joined by another line: If you have two career lines running next to each other, you might successfully manage two careers at once. It could also mean that you’ll have a significant hobby or other side project that you work hard at in addition to your career.
Wavy or curved: If your career line is curved or wavy, it can mean that your career will change throughout your life. If the curves are gentle, these changes may feel natural, but if they’re sharp, you could face distinct disruptions in your career.
No Career Line
If you don’t have a career line, you may struggle to choose a career path. This doesn’t mean that you won’t have any career at all. However, it indicates that you’ll have a tendency to jump from one job to another. As a result, it may be difficult for you to find long-term financial stability.
What Your Career Line Says About Age
Your career line can indicate how old you’ll be for certain events. Your age is represented by the points where your career line intersects the other lines on your palm. So, if there’s a feature in your career line, it can indicate that something significant will happen around that age in your life. When your career line intersects your head line, you’ll be about 35. When your career line intersects your heart line, you’ll be about 55. Where your career line ends, you’ll be about 75.
Is palmistry always correct?
No, palmistry is just a general guide to potential paths. Some people do believe that palmistry can give you insight into what will happen in your life, but it’s not meant to be used as a fool-proof prediction. You can use it as a way to prepare for things, though—if your palm reading indicates you might have financial trouble later in life, you might put aside money in a savings account or put extra money into your retirement.
Does palmistry use the left or right hand?
Most people advise that you use your dominant hand for palm reading. Palmists often examine both the left and right hands. Your more dominant hand is thought to tell you about your present and future, while your less dominant hand tells you about the traits you were born with. Some people believe that on males, your right hand represents your present and future and your left hand represents your innate personality—so you’d use the right hand for palm reading. On females, it’s the opposite, so you’d use the left hand for palm reading.
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