How to Cope With Suicidal Thoughts as a Teen
How to Cope With Suicidal Thoughts as a Teen
If you’re a teen who is struggling with depression or another mental illness, you may also have thoughts of wanting to take your own life. Warning signs of suicide can include thinking or talking about death frequently, saying “goodbye” to your loved ones, giving away your things, and formulating a plan to hurt yourself.[1]
Research source

There may also be situational signs, such as being bullied, feeling like an outcast, struggling in school, sexuality issues, or dealing with conflicts at home. If you are a teen who is feeling suicidal, you should seek out professional help. In addition, you can try self-help strategies such as challenging negative thinking and engaging in activities that improve your mental health.[2]
Expert Source

Liana Georgoulis, PsyDLicensed Psychologist

Expert Interview. 6 September 2018.

Getting Help for Suicidal Thoughts

Tell someone you trust. In order to get help for suicidal thoughts, you must be willing to confide in someone. Although you might first choose to tell a peer or friend, you need to reach out to an adult who can connect you with needed services. Consider telling a teacher, coach, school counselor, or family member you trust. You might say, “I’ve been having thoughts of hurting myself lately, and I’m really scared. I think I need to see a doctor.” Be sure that you impress on the person that your thoughts and feelings are serious. If you tell someone and they don’t help you take action, find someone else to confide in. Don’t stop until you get the help you need.

See your family doctor. Usually the first step in a chain of treatment involves seeing your family doctor or primary care physician. This doctor will likely conduct a thorough interview and ask you many questions relating to depression and suicide. Answer questions honestly, as that is the only way you can get adequate treatment. Try keeping a log of your thoughts and feelings in the weeks or days leading up to this appointment. If you think you’d feel better having someone come along with you, then ask a friend or family member to accompany you. They can also provide the doctor with objective information on how you have been doing.

See a mental health professional. Your doctor will likely provide a referral to a mental health provider in your community. Such professionals typically have specialized experience detecting and treating psychiatric disorders and situations like suicidal thoughts. Your mental health provider may work with you and your parents to determine the best course of treatment. You will have to undergo additional screening to figure out if you are struggling with an underlying mental illness like depression or anxiety.

Learn about your treatment options. Your treatment options for suicidal thoughts may include talk therapy and/or medications. One of the most effective talk therapy methods is cognitive-behavioral therapy, which helps you identify and change negative thinking patterns that make you feel suicidal. Medication options typically include antidepressants, which may be prescribed by your family doctor or a psychiatrist. However, you must be sure to follow your doctor's instructions when taking these medications, and never stop taking them suddenly. Doing so can cause your suicidal thoughts to worsen. Keep in mind that you may have to try several treatment approaches before you feel better.

Create a safety plan. As a part of your treatment, your mental health provider will suggest that you complete a safety plan. This is basically a written plan of action you will take when suicidal thought arise. In addition to working with a therapist, you may also have your parents help you with this plan. Your safety plan should include: self-soothing strategies, reminders of why you want to live, family and friends you can call, mental health providers you can call, and a crisis hotline number.

Get immediate help in a crisis. If you have immediate thoughts of hurting yourself, you should call your local emergency services department or a crisis hotline. In the United States, you can contact the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline anonymously anytime, day or night by calling or texting 988.

Changing Your Thinking

Identify negative thinking traps. You can help yourself move through self-defeating suicidal thoughts by first bringing awareness to them. Some teens may unknowingly get caught up in a cycle of negative thinking. When you feel particularly low, try to pay attention to what you’re telling yourself. Try writing these thoughts down so that you can look back on them to try and figure out what may have been affecting your mood. For instance, you might be thinking, “Anything would feel better than how I’m feeling” or “Everyone would be better off without me.” Once you bring awareness to these thoughts, you can work to change them.

Challenge negative thought patterns. There are many different types of negative thought patterns, such as catastrophizing, using all-or-nothing thinking, or self-loathing. You must remember that suicide is a permanent decision in response to a temporary problem. Sadly, you may not realize that when you’re caught up in negative thinking traps. It can help to try to see your problems and concerns in a different light. Or, try to come up with feasible, healthy solutions to solve them. If this is hard for you to do, then reach out to a friend or family member for help. Depression may be fogging up your brain and preventing you from doing this. For instance, you might make a list of your concerns. One might be “I didn’t get into the college of my choice, so I will never become successful.” Can you think of other ways to address this problem? Another solution may be to reapply next year. Or, you might apply to a lesser college, maintain good grades, and transfer at a later date.

Distract yourself. Sometimes, it’s hard to realistically work your way through negative thought patterns. If thinking about what’s troubling you makes you feel worse, find a temporary distraction that makes you feel good. Healthy distractions might include going for a walk with your dog, painting your nails, calling a friend or watching a funny movie. Avoid unhealthy distractions such as using alcohol or drugs to numb your feelings. Substance abuse will only make things worse in the end.

Supporting Your Health and Wellness

Stay connected to your loved ones. Beyond seeking professional help, the most effective way to cope with suicidal thoughts is to spend time with people who love you. They can help you stay positive, distract you from your negative thoughts, and offer comfort. Resist the urge to isolate yourself from family and friends. Let these people be there for you. Keep in mind that it is okay to take time to recover after socializing. If you find that you need some time alone after being around people all day, then allow yourself to have this time.

Maintain a healthy sleep schedule. Teens need a great deal of sleep to be at their best. When you lack sleep, negative thoughts and worries can grow in your mind, worsening your condition. Try your best to get at least nine to ten hours of sleep each night. If this is hard for you, then look at your schedule to find activities that you might cut to provide more time for sleep. Improve your sleep by shutting off anything with a screen at least an hour before bed. Take a warm bath, listen to calming (not sad) music, perform a self-massage, and do some light reading. If you have trouble sleeping many nights on end, see a doctor. They may recommend you take a non-habit forming sleep aid to help you get the rest you need.

Stay active in sports and extracurriculars. Staying involved in activities at school can help you maintain contact with friends and boost your mood. What’s more, if you participate in sports, you receive the added benefit of mood-lifting endorphins that will improve your outlook on life. If you don’t enjoy sports, then look into other physical activities that you might enjoy.

Unplug and practice self-care. Staring at a screen for hours on end won’t help you feel better. Plus, negative media and social media can worsen your suicidal thoughts and feelings. Make the choice to unplug and engage in positive distractions instead. Self-care may include lighting a scented candle, watching a favorite movie, or planning a sleepover with a best friend. Just do things that nourish your mental health and help you cope with negative feelings.

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