How to Exercise for Great Buttocks
How to Exercise for Great Buttocks
There are plenty of exercises that can help you strengthen your glutes and tone your butt. Squats, leg lifts, and lunges are the most popular exercises used to target these muscles, and there are tons of variations you can try. You can do as many or as few of these exercises as you want, depending on your fitness level and the results you want.

Doing Squats

Try traditional squats. Squats are one of the most popular exercises for working out the butt muscles. To do a traditional squat, simply stand up straight with your feet hip-distance apart. Then, bend your knees so they're at a 90-angle and keep your knees lined up with your feet. Your butt should come close to being parallel to the floor. Hold the squat for several seconds. Make sure to keep your back straight. Repeat this several times. If you're new to squats, try them without weights. If you're more experienced, there are several different ways that you can makes squats even more challenging. Try holding a dumbbell in each hand. You can extend them down towards the floor when you squat, and then raise them up to your chest when you stand up. You can also do this with a medicine ball. Keep your arms out straight in front of you at chest-level. You can also hold a barbell behind your head while you practice squats.

Try a side squat. One popular variation to the traditional squat is the side squat. For this exercise, you will start in a standing position with you feet hip-distance apart. Then take a wide step out to the side with one leg and bend that knee. Squat as deep as you can into the one leg, keeping your other leg extended straight out to the side. Repeat several times on both sides. Your torso should be very close to the leg that is bent. Try to keep both hips facing forward.

Challenge yourself with a single-legged squat. If you're an experienced squatter, you can attempt to lift one leg out in front of you as you squat. This is a pretty advanced exercise, so you may find that you can only lift the leg a little bit, or maybe not at all. Do your best! If this is too much for you, you can practice by squatting with one heel lifted off the floor. Another way to do a single-legged squat is kick one leg behind you as you squat. You may find that this is easier to do than lifting the leg in front of you. To help your balance, you can shift your torso down so that it is close to being parallel to the floor and extend your arms out straight in front of you.

Try squatting with your legs in different positions. Most of the time, people squat with their legs at hip-distance apart. If you want to add some variation to your workout, try adding some squats that require different leg positions. As with all squats, remember to keep your back straight. Try a sumo squat with your feet planted at about twice the width of your hips. For an extra challenge, you can lift both of your heels off of the ground while you are squatting. For a prisoner squat, start with your feet a little bit wider than the width of your shoulders. Keep your hands clasped behind your head as you squat. Widening your stance even more may make it easier to keep your back straight and your heels on the ground.

Run in place from a squat. For a dynamic squat exercise, shift all of the weight into one leg from your squat position. Then slowly lift the other leg up, extend it out behind you, and tap your toes on the ground. Raise the leg back up and bring it back into the traditional squat position. Repeat up to 20 times before releasing your squat and then performing the exercise with the other leg. Don't release your squat at all during this exercise if you can help it.

Doing Leg Lifts and Extensions

Try a traditional leg extension exercise. To do a leg extension, start on your hands and knees. Raise one leg out straight behind you so that it is level with your back. Pause for a few seconds, and then slowly release the leg down to the floor. Switch legs and alternate several times. For an added challenge, extend the leg out to the left, then to the right before releasing it. You can gently tap your toes on the ground, but don't release your leg without control.

Challenge yourself with a leg lift from plank. To work out your core and arm muscles at the same time as you strengthen your glutes, try doing leg lifts from plank (a push-up position). Leave the knee of the leg you will be lifting slightly bent. Then raise the leg as high as you can without moving your upper body. Hold for a second and then release the knee down to the level of your other knee before repeating. If you can't maintain plank position, start on your knees and elbows (your entire forearm should be on the ground). Then extend one leg out straight behind you and lift it so that it is in line with your spine. Hold for a second, release, and repeat several times before switching sides.

Do standing leg lifts. To challenge your balance, try leg lifts from a standing position. Start by standing up straight with your feet hip-distance apart. Then lift one foot off the floor and bend the knee slightly. Bend forward at the waist until your hands touch the floor, and then push yourself back up to standing on one leg. Repeat this several times before switching sides. This will look something like a standing split, except your raised leg can stay bent.

Try leg extensions from the side. Start by lying on one side with your upper body propped up by your elbow. Then extend the upper leg straight out in front of you so it makes a 45 degree angle with your other leg. Don't twist your hip or torso to lift your leg higher. Hold for a few seconds, release, and repeat several times before switching sides.

Do a donkey kick. Donkey kicks are similar to leg extensions, but your knee stays bent and your leg is lifted higher. Start on your hands and knees. Raise one leg as high as you can, keeping the knee bent. Try to keep your back flat as you do this, and repeat 12 times on each side. For a variation on this exercise, you can try doing it from a standing position. Keep both knees bent and place your hands on your standing leg to help you keep your balance.

Do bottle. For bottle, start by lying on your stomach with your legs straight out and together and your hands underneath your chin. Then raise one leg up as high as you can and extend it out to the side. Tap your toes to the floor, and then raise the leg back up and bring it back to center. Switch to the other leg and alternate back and forth several times.

Doing Lunges

Do traditional lunges. Like squats and leg lifts, lunges are extremely popular exercises that are great for strengthening and toning the butt. To do a traditional lunge, start in a standing position and take a wide step forward with one foot. Bend into your front knee to create a 90-degree angle, and then raise yourself up to standing. Repeat several times with both legs. For an added challenge, try holding a weight or kettle bell in one hand and lifting it above your head when you are in the squat position.

Try side lunges. Side lunges are very similar to traditional lunges, but your hips will be opened up to the side instead of pointed towards your bent leg. Start by standing up straight with your feet parallel. Then take a wide step with one foot and lunge deep into that side, keeping your other leg extended straight out to the side. Hold for several seconds before raising yourself back up to standing. Repeat several times on each side. You can hold weights in both hands while doing these lunges for an added challenge. EXPERT TIP Laila Ajani Laila Ajani Fitness Trainer Laila Ajani is a Fitness Trainer and founder of Push Personal Fitness, a personal training organization based in the San Francisco Bay Area. With over 10 years as a trainer and exercise specialist, Laila has expertise in competitive athletics (gymnastics, powerlifting, and tennis), personal training, distance running, and Olympic lifting. Laila is certified by the National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA), USA Powerlifting (USAPL), and she is a Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES). Laila Ajani Laila Ajani Fitness Trainer For an easier lunge variation, try side lunges. Side lunges can be a good alternative if you struggle with regular lunges. Performing one will feel more like a stretch, as it stretches out the inner thighs but doesn't work the leg muscles as much as regular lunges.

Try a half lunge. Also known as a stationary lunge, a half lunge may sound easier than a full one, but that's not necessarily the case. This exercise is challenging because you don't get to stand all the way up between reps. Start out in a lunge position with your back knee and toes touching the floor. Then use your back leg to push yourself halfway up to standing before lowering back down into the starting position. Repeat several times before switching legs.

Do a curtsy lunge. Another interesting variation of the traditional lunge is the curtsy lunge. To start, stand up straight with your hands together at your chest. Kick one leg out straight to the side, hold for a second, then cross the leg behind your standing leg and out to the opposite side, and squat down. Repeat several times before switching sides.

Doing Other Exercises That Target the Buttocks

Do a bridge. Bridges are excellent for strengthening the butt muscles. To get started, lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor near your butt. Your arms should be at your sides. Then use your legs to lift your lower body off the floor, keeping your head, neck, shoulders, and arms firmly planted on the floor. Hold at the top, squeeze your glutes, and then lower slowly down without touching the floor. Repeat 10-12 times. For an added challenge. Hold a weight in front of you. Another way to change up this exercise is to place a small medicine ball under your feet. You can also try lifting one leg at a time for a one-legged bridge.

Try mountain climber. Mountain climber is a dynamic exercise that is sure to challenge you. Start in plank position. Then bring one leg in towards your chest, raising it as high as you can reach it. Jump the leg back into the starting position and repeat with the other leg. Alternate several times. You can have your hands directly on the ground or on kettlebells.

Raise your knees high when walking. Try slowly walking across the room, raising each knee as high as you possibly can with each step. Hold the leg up for a few seconds before releasing your foot back down to the floor. Don't worry about covering a large distance with this exercise. Try to keep a 90-degree angle in your lifted leg if possible.

Try a Romanian deadlift. Start by standing up straight with your feet hip-distance apart, holding a barbell in front of you at thigh level. Flex your abs and then bend your knees a little bit while folding forward at the waist. The barbell should slide down in front of your shins. Keep your back straight as you lower yourself. Hold the barbell at shin-level for several seconds, and then lift back up into the starting position. Repeat several times. For a variation on this exercise, hold a small weight in one hand and stand on one leg as you bend forward. Be sure to repeat this variation the same number of times on both sides. Keep your back straight and do not lift your butt into the air. Make sure you do not attempt this exercise with a barbell that is too heavy for you. If you start to experience back pain, stop this exercise immediately.

Step up. One of the simplest way to workout your glutes is to simply practice stepping up. Find some kind of platform that you can step onto (even a park bench will do). Then step up with one leg, pushing down so that the stationary leg lifts off the ground. Repeat this several times with both legs. You can hold weights in both hands as you do this exercise if you want. The higher the platform, the more you will be working your glutes. If you don't have access to a platform or step, you can get similar results by climbing up a hill or using a treadmill at a high incline.

Getting Results from Your Exercise Regimen

Do enough reps. There is no magic formula that can help you determine how many reps you should do of each exercise, but there are some basic guidelines that you can follow. No matter what your goals are, be sure to always do enough reps that the exercise is challenging, but don't push yourself beyond your limits. if you're trying to build muscle, each set of exercises you do should contain 6-12 reps. If you're concerned more about muscle endurance, do more than 12 reps in each set.

Give yourself time to recover. Exercising the same muscle groups too often can actually slow your progress, and it can leave you more prone to injuries. Avoid this by starting slow and giving your body a break between workouts. If you're new to exercising, start by doing your routine two to three times a week. Once you've progressed to the point that you're not sore after each workout, you can try exercising two days in a row, then taking the third day off.

Vary your routine. With so many great exercises to choose from, you should have no problem mixing things up a little. In addition to keeping your exercise routine more interesting, adding new exercises into your regimen will help improve your results, as it will continue to challenge your muscles in new ways. Don't fall into a rut! If you find that your exercises are becoming easy, you will need to add in some new challenges if you want to see results.

Don't expect results right away. Building and toning muscle doesn't happen overnight, so you'll have to be patient if you really want results. It will probably take about four to eight weeks for you to start seeing changes. Everyone is different, so don't expect to get the exact same results as someone else in the same amount of time. Your fitness level and body type will affect how long it will take for you to see results.

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