How to Make a String Bracelet
How to Make a String Bracelet
Not only are string bracelets fun and easy to make, but there are tons of styles to choose from. Whether you make a bracelet of a braided, chevron, striped, or knotted pattern, it's important to attach your thread to a stable surface and spread the strands out so they're easy to work with. With a little effort and some fun colored thread, you'll have a new string bracelet in no time!

Braiding a Simple Bracelet

Select your thread. Cut 6 pieces of embroidery thread long enough to fit around your wrist. Choose 6 different colors for a colorful bracelet or only 3 colors for a simpler look. Cut the thread longer than you need so there's room to tie the knots. Allow at least an extra 1 inch (2.5 cm) per knot. Use sharp scissors to cut all the threads to the same length. Wrap thread around your wrist to make sure it is long enough. Cut more than you need. You can always cut off the extra thread after you've finished the bracelet! Remember to leave enough string on the bracelet end to tie it around your wrist.

Fasten the start point. Hold the strings together and tie a knot at one end. Line up each strand of thread, and hold them in one hand. Tie a basic overhand knot with 2 inches (5.1 cm) of loose thread on the end. This is the starting point of your bracelet, so make the knot nice and tight. You can arrange your strings in the prefered order before you tie the knot. This can make it easier to sort your colors later on but you don't need to do this.

Secure the knot. Use tape to secure the knotted end to a table or steady surface. Tape the loose thread above the knot. Be sure the tape can hold it down and does not cover the knot. Pull on the thread to check that the tape is secure. You can use a clipboard instead of tape. Just clip the top of the knotted end on the clipboard so it doesn't move.

Separate the thread into 3 groups of two strings each. If you're making the braid using 3 colors, group the colors so you have 3 pairs of the same color. Otherwise, group the strings in random pairs for 3 main strands.

Start the bracelet. Braid the 3 strands by crossing each pair over one another. Cross the left pair of strings over the middle pair. Take the right pair of strings over the new middle pair to create a braid. Repeat this process to make the braid as long as you would like. Hold the strands in your hand as you braid to keep the string taut. For example, if you have 3 pairs of strings with the left yellow pair, the middle red pair, and the right blue pair, cross the yellow over the red, and then the blue over the yellow.

Continue forming a braid. Work until the bracelet wraps around your wrist. Continue crossing the left over the middle, and the right over the middle. Braid the bracelet until you're happy with the length. Check that the braid wraps around your entire wrist, and leave loose string on either end to tie the final knot.

Complete the bracelet. Tie a knot at the end to finish off the bracelet. Wrap the bracelet around your wrist and ask a friend to tie the knot. Be sure that your bracelet isn't too tight around your wrist. If you want to tie the knot before putting on the bracelet, make the bracelet long enough to slip over your knuckles. This knot is important to keep your bracelet together, so make it nice and tight. Consider creating a slip knot to allow an easy on and off bracelet.

Making a Chevron Bracelet

Choose 4 colors of embroidery thread. Cut them so that they fit around your wrist twice. The thread will be folded in half. Use sharp scissors to cut each string so they are all the same length. To make sure your string is long enough, fold it in half first, then see if it will wrap around your wrist with at least 4 inches (10 cm) of thread to spare.

Fold the thread collection in half. Gather each thread together in one hand, making sure they're lined up. Tie a knot at the end where the fold is. When you make the knot, leave enough space so there's a small loop at the knotted end.

Secure the start. Use tape to attach the knotted, looped end to a table or other furniture. Use a safety pin if you want to attach the bracelet to cloth furniture, or use a clipboard to keep the knot in place. It's important to secure the bracelet to a surface before you start so when you pull on the thread, the bracelet won't move.

Line up the thread. Match up the thread so each side is a mirrored image of the other. Spread each strand out flat on the surface so they all have a match across from them. It's important to keep the strings in order to make the knotting process easier. For example, your colored strings can line up as red, blue, purple, yellow, yellow, purple, blue, red.

Begin knotting. Form a knot in the shape of a 4 using the string on the far left. Hold the string to the far left in your hand and bring it over the strand next to it on the right so that you create a '4' shape. Then, pull the far-left string under the right string. Pull it through the loop to create a tight knot, also called a forward knot. To create a strong knot, pull the start string up towards the top of your bracelet until it no longer moves.

Repeat the knot using the same two strings. Pull the far-left string over the string next to and then pulling it under to create a forward knot. Tying two of the same knot will help make your stripes of color look more defined once the bracelet is finished. Make 2 of the same knot with each a new string.

Continue knotting. Move to the right creating forward knots until you get to the center of the strands. Once you've made two knots using the far-left and the second string, repeat the process using the far-left and the third string, then the fourth. Move across the line using the far-left string as the one creating the knots, stopping once you get to the fifth string. If your 8 strings are lined up as red, orange, yellow, green, green, yellow, orange, red, start by pulling the red string over the orange string. Loop it underneath and pull the red string through to make a knot. Repeat this twice with the red and orange strings. Next, make two new knots with the same red string, only this time going over the yellow string. You then pull the red string over the green twice, and leave it in the middle between the two green strings.

Form the knot line. Create knots moving from the far right to the center of the strings. Take the string on the far right and create two backwards knots, which look like a backwards '4' shape. Use the far-right string to create backwards knots from the right to the left until you reach the middle strings. Knot the middle strings (which are both the same color) twice.

Work the pattern. Knot the bracelet moving from the outside to the center until it's long enough to wear. Keep forming knots using the far-left and far-right strings until the center of the bracelet is reached each time. Add length this way until your bracelet is long enough to wear. Keep your strings in order so they're a mirrored image of each other each time you finish a row. Don't feel discouraged if your pattern doesn't appear right away. It takes a few rows to really get it going!

Complete the end. Once you're finished with your chevron bracelet, pull all of the strands together and tie a tight knot at the bracelet end. Your bracelet is ready to be worn! You'll still need to tie the bracelet to your wrist once you've secured the loose thread. For an extra challenge, add a simple braid on the end of your bracelet with the loose thread before you tie it around your wrist.

Creating a Striped Bracelet

Choose and cut 4 colors of embroidery thread. Pick out 4 thread colors that you'd like to use. Measure each one so that it wraps around your wrist easily with an extra 5 inches (13 cm) at the end. The extra length is for knotting the ends and tying it around your wrist.

Fasten the start point. Gather all of the pieces of string together so that they're lined up and are the same length. Tie a secure knot at one end, leaving 1–2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm) of loose thread and attach this end to a stable surface.

Start knotting. Create two forward knots with the far left string. Spread out and separate the 4 strings and pick up the string to the far left. Cross this string over the one directly next to it on its right so that it creates a '4' shape. Pull the far-left string under the right string and through the loop, pulling the string up towards the top of the bracelet. This creates a tight knot. Do the exact same thing again, creating two of the same knots on top of one another. If you start with a blue string on the left, make sure it ends up on spot to the right of where it was originally after it's knotted. Make the knots using two strings of the same color if you want thicker stripes.

Use the same string that you started with to form knots over the other strings. Once you've created knots using the first and second strings, continue using the original far-left string to create knots over the third string, and then the fourth string. Remember make two knots over each string, and\ pull them tight as you go. For example, if your colors are lined up as pink, yellow, red, and purple, tie a knot by crossing the pink over the yellow, the pink over the red, and then the pink over the purple.

Repeat this process with the new string on the far left. Now that the first string used is on the far right, start up with the string that's now on the far left (this will be the original second string). Use this string to create two knots on every string, moving from the left to the right. Pull your knots tight as you go. You may have to make a few rows before the pattern starts to show.

Make the desired length. Create stripes until the bracelet is long enough to wear. Form double knots moving left to right, starting over again once you've reached the end of the line of strings. Your bracelet will keep getting longer until it's the right length to be worn. To see if your bracelet is long enough, place your wrist in the middle of the bracelet and pull up the tied down end to avoid messing up the pattern of spread out strings.

Complete the end. Tie a knot at the end of the striped pattern so it doesn't come undone. Once you're happy with the length of the bracelet, form a knot at the end close to the knots. Pull the final knot tightly so it doesn't come undone. Trim any spare thread from the end so that your bracelet is complete. Ask a friend to help you tie the finished bracelet around your wrist, or make the bracelet big enough to slip on and off.

Forming a Knotted Bracelet

Choose 4 colors of embroidery thread. Cut each string to the same length. After you've picked out the colors that you want to use, cut the thread long enough that it can wrap around your wrist loosely, leaving an extra 5 inches (13 cm) at the end. The extra length is for tying the bracelet around your wrist.

Secure the start. Fold the thread collection in half. Gather each thread together in one hand, making sure they're lined up. Tie a knot at the end where the fold is. When you make the knot, leave enough space so there's a small loop at the knotted end. Use tape to secure the bracelet to a table or hard surface. Do not to cover the knot you just made with the tape.

Use one string, to form a knot around the other 7 strings. It doesn't matter which string you choose, but separate it so that one string is on the left and the 7 strings are in one cluster to the right. Knot by making a '4' shape after by pulling and looping the one string across and under the group of strings and bring it up through the loop to tie a tight knot. This knot in the shape of a '4' is called a forward knot. When you pull the string up through the loop to make the knot, tug it upwards to make the knot as tight as you can.

Create 5-10 forward knots. Continue using the same single string to create knots on the group of other strings, counting the knots until you like the length of the colored section. Pull the knots tight for the best looking bracelet. Making multiple knots of the same string creates the spiral look in the bracelet.

Choose a new string. Once you like the length of the first color, pick out another colored string. Repeat the process doing the same number of knots. This will make each colored section the same length.

Continue until a strand is long enough to wear. Keep pulling out one color to wrap around the other 7 strings, switching the color pattern until you like the length of the bracelet. Repeat this with the other colors to create a knotted pattern. For example, you can create a bracelet with a knotted pattern of blue, green, purple, and white.

Knot the end. Tie a secure knot to the finished bracelet before putting it on your wrist or ankle. Use scissors to trim the end of the thread to remove extra string before wearing your bracelet. Ask a friend to help tie the bracelet directly around your wrist. Make sure that the bracelet feels comfortable around your wrist before you tie it. Use a sliding knot if you want your bracelet adjustable.

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