How to Obtain a Copy of Your Birth Certificate in Hawaii
How to Obtain a Copy of Your Birth Certificate in Hawaii
Have you lost your birth certificate? Are you afraid you will lose it and want to have a backup (but equally official) copy? If you were born in the state of Hawaii, you can obtain a copy of your birth certificate in several ways.

Requesting a Copy Online

Visit the Hawaii Department of Health, Vital Records bureau website. Information regarding all available means for requesting a birth certificate is available there. Click the large green tab labeled "Online Vital Records Ordering and Tracking."

Provide the requested information in the online order form.This is the same online process used to order a marriage certificate, and it clearly lists fees and delivery/pick-up options on the first page. Be prepared to provide information such as your name, address, and phone number; the name on the birth certificate; date and place (city and island) of birth; full names of both parents; and reason for requesting the copy.

Provide payment by credit card only. The cost is $10 plus a $2.50 "portal administration fee" for a total of $12.50. Extra copies are an additional $4 apiece. If you wish to pay by another method, excluding personal checks, which are never accepted, you will need to select one of the other ordering options detailed in this article.

Choose delivery by mail or in-person pickup. If you pick up your certificate in person, you will need to provide photo ID at that time. Pick up your order at the Health Department building, Room 103, 1250 Punchbowl St., Honolulu, 7:45 am to 2:30 pm, Monday through Friday. Be prepared to provide identity verification during the ordering process if you are having the certificate mailed to you. The stated turnaround time for a request is six to eight weeks.

Requesting a Copy by Mail

Acquire and fill out an official request form. This form is available online, via the Department of Health, Vital Records bureau website. You can also acquire the form in person at the Health Department building in Honolulu, but by that point you might as well just make your request in person at the window in Room 103. Be prepared to provide information such as your name, address, and phone number; the name on the birth certificate; date and place (city and island) of birth; full names of both parents; and reason for requesting the copy.

Provide a photocopy of a government-issued photo ID card. Unlike some other states, Hawaii does not indicate any alternative ID options should you not have a photo ID of this sort (driver's license, passport, etc.). Contact the Vital Records bureau directly to discuss your options if you do not have a valid photo ID (808-586-4539 or 808-586-4542 during business hours). While not explicitly indicated, it is probably wise to photocopy both the front and back of your ID card. Also make sure it is a clear copy. Better safe than sorry.

Enclose payment by cashier's check or money order only. Address payment to the Hawaii State Department of Health. Personal checks, cash, and credit card numbers are not accepted by mail. The cost is $10 plus a $2.50 "portal administration fee" for a total of $12.50. Additional copies are $4 apiece. It is worth repeating (as it is several times on the state website) that personal checks are not accepted, since this is likely the presumed form of payment for such a mail order request.

Mail your application materials and wait for your certificate to arrive. The stated turnaround time is 6-8 weeks. Mail your packet to: Hawaii State Department of Health, Office of Health Status Monitoring, Vital Records Issuance Section, P.O. Box 3378, Honolulu, HI 96801 To recap, your packet should include: the completed, signed application form; a photocopy of your government-issued photo ID; and your payment (by cashier's check, certified check, or money order).

Requesting a Copy in Person

Go to the Health Department building in Honolulu. It is located at 1250 Punchbowl Street (corner of Beretania and Punchbowl). Go to Room 103 on the first floor. Regular hours are Monday through Friday, 7:45 am to 2:30 pm. Call 808-586-4539 or 808-586-4542 during these times if you have a question about holiday scheduling or other matters.

Fill out an official request form. These are available in the lobby outside Room 103. Fill out the form before going to the window. You can also access the form online and fill it out ahead of time if desired. Be prepared to provide information such as your name, address, and phone number; the name on the birth certificate; date and place (city and island) of birth; full names of both parents; and reason for requesting the copy.

Show your government-issued photo ID card. Unlike some other states, Hawaii does not indicate any alternative ID options should you not have a photo ID of this sort (driver's license, passport, etc.). If you lack a valid government-issued photo ID, contact the Vital Records bureau directly before visiting in person (808-586-4539 or 808-586-4542 during business hours).

Pay for the service and wait for your certificate to arrive. For in-person orders, cash, credit cards, cashier's checks, certified checks, and money orders are accepted. Personal checks are not accepted. The cost is $10 plus a $2.50 "portal administration fee" for a total of $12.50. Additional copies are $4 apiece. Certificates are typically available for pickup roughly ten days after the request is made, though the time may be longer based on various circumstances.

Dealing with Limited Information

Gather as much information about your birth as you can. If you do not know your exact date of birth, determine as precise a range of dates as possible. Likewise collect as precise of information as possible about your place of birth in Hawaii, such as island, city, and hospital.

Contact the Vital Records bureau directly for additional assistance. Let them assist you in determining your options when dealing with limited information. Call 808-586-4539 or 808-586-4542 during normal business hours.

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