How to Pronounce the Dutch 'g'
How to Pronounce the Dutch 'g'
Like the Japanese 'r' the Dutch 'g' is a very hard sound to make for people not speaking Dutch.

Listen to the sound so you know when you have it right.

Get the air moving. The Dutch 'g' is a "fricative", meaning that the air is moving past a partly constricted opening in your mouth. Other examples of fricatives in English are "f" as in "fee", "s" as in "hiss" and "th" as in "thistle".

Don't let your vocal cords vibrate. This is a voiceless sound. For an example of voiced versus voiceless sounds, pronounce the word "zap" in English. The 'z' is voiced. Then pronounce the word "sap". The "s" is unvoiced. All the fricatives mentioned in the previous step are voiceless, too.

Make the sound by pressing the tongue against the roof of the mouth at the point where the uvula hangs down (point 9 on the chart). The sound is similar to the 'ch' in 'loch', but to the Dutch that still sounds too much like a 'k' as in 'cat', because it is made against the "velum" (point 8 on the chart), rather than the uvula. The Dutch sound is also found in German (e.g. in "Dach" = "roof")[1] To pronounce the 'g' like a native Dutch speaker, you should try make a sound as if you were gargling. It may sound kind of gross, but that is generally how it's pronounced.

Try saying the word 'gek' which means 'crazy'. (See the sources section for a link to the audio.) The '-ek' part is pronounced exactly the same as the '-eck' part in 'check', so you would get a short gurgling sound followed by 'eck'. Or if you think the 'ch' in 'loch' works better for you it would be 'ch-eck'.

Practice. This is not a usual phoneme in English, so practice using it. You'll get used to it after a while, and be able to produce it easily.

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