How to Rush a Fraternity
How to Rush a Fraternity
So you're in college, and you've decided to branch out and become involved. There are many ways to expand your horizons in college, but going Greek, at least for most students, is the first to come to mind. Fortunately, there are some great ways to get involved with a fraternity.

Decide why you are rushing. This is the most important part, because if you don't know why you are there, then you will most likely be very unhappy with your decision down the road. People rush for many different reasons; some want a resume booster, some want to find a family, some do it because their parents want them to. Don't rush a fraternity for other people, do it because you want to rush. Find a few good reasons, and stick to that. You don't want to tell one fraternity one reason and tell another reason to another fraternity; despite the rivalries, fraternities still cross-reference potentials with each other. And above all, don't say you want to join a fraternity "to party and meet girls".

Realize the commitment a fraternity involves. Most fraternities still have a pledge system (there are a few that have done away with it and created a whole new system) and pledging is a major commitment. Usually, pledging involves mandatory study hours, weekly meetings, projects, maybe even a group trip. It's a drain on a college student's time, so make sure you have enough time to commit. It may also drain your bank account, because depending on which fraternity you join, parties, projects, house gifts, etc., will be paid for out of the pledge class' pockets, not to mention the fraternity dues that are standard. How much you spend depends on which fraternity you join, and most are willing to help you find a job or a low-interest loan to help you in tight financial situations, so don't turn away from a fraternity just because the fees are the highest on Greek row.

Ignore the campus stereotypes. Don't let people make your decisions for you. Some people may refer to a certain fraternity in a positive light, some may refer to it in a negative light; the point is, people are unreliable and there is no better source than your own judgment.

Do your research. Find the place on your campus where fraternities advertise for their rush events. The best time to do this would be the first week of school, in the fall, because ALL of the fraternities will be there. Find out how many there are, what type of fraternity each one is, and what the rush events are for each one. Even if you have no interest in rushing a particular fraternity, take a rush flier anyway; your opinion might change later.

Narrow your options. Most likely, there will be way too many fraternity houses to hit in one week (unless your school has a formalized recruitment). Make a quick character judgment when you're picking up rush fliers, and decide on which ones you would most likely get along with. Don't pick a fraternity because they hold the best parties or pull the most girls or because they dress the best, pick a fraternity because you like their character.

Be yourself. This is one of the most important parts. Despite their reputations for being meat-heads, "frat guys" can spot superficiality very easily. Be comfortable, confident, and RELAX! If a fraternity doesn't like your personality, find one that does.

Be upfront. Don't lie, for the same reasons as number 3. It can only hurt your chances of getting a bid.

Talk to everyone. Not everyone in a fraternity is the same. There are many different personalities in every fraternity, and if you don't like one person's personality, find another person. If it turns out you don't like anyone in a particular fraternity, then that fraternity is likely not right for you.

Ask questions about the fraternity. Asking questions lets a fraternity know you're interested, and more importantly, fraternities love talking about their chapter or national history. Find out the time commitment, the financial commitment, the perks, the downsides--whatever. Good questions are, "What was your favorite memory in the chapter?" and "Why did you join this fraternity?".

Narrow your options again. When you've been to every fraternity that you think you might get along with, pick the ones that you know you'll get along with. A good idea is to narrow it down to the two you have the best rapport with, else you risk not receiving a bid, and moreover that will lead the fraternity you want to believe you're not serious about joining. Besides, having two top choices makes a fraternity compete for you. After you pick these two, spend the remainder of the time rushing them. If they like you as much as you like them, chances are, you'll get a bid from one of them.

Remember, that if you don't get a bid from one of your top two and you still want to join--keep rushing. Hang out with them outside of rush week, on a more personal basis. The few that you hang out with will most likely convince the rest of the chapter that you're a right fit. Most of the time, a bid isn't offered because they solely want to wait and see if you're serious. It's not the end of the world either.

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