How to Start Running
How to Start Running
Ready to take your first steps to start running? We're here to help you during your cardio journey and path toward wellness. In this article, we'll review how to find the inspiration to get up and moving. Plus, we'll talk about practical measures to take and the best ways to train for cardio so you'll improve your heart and lung health. Jump right in to begin your running adventures.

Use fun rewards to motivate yourself.

Fitness-friendly goodies or activities can rev up your desire to run. If you're into material rewards, think about what sparks your interest to start running—maybe colorful shoes or a snazzy water bottle gets you going. You might be a fan of internal rewards, though. If that's the case, list out the reasons you want to run and how cardio will definitely benefit you. External reward: "I'll get myself a nice Fitbit to kick myself into gear!" Internal reward: "I'll feel full of vitality and energy after serious cardio!" Long-term external reward: "I'll have a spa day after a month of running!" Long-term internal reward: "I'll eventually have the stamina for a marathon!"

Get good gear that keeps you comfortable.

Comfy running shoes and sweat-proof apparel enhance your experience. Make sure you've got all the basics for a heart-pumping workout. Visit any store with running shoes and try a bunch of them on until you find the perfect fit—all that matters is that they feel good. Also go for moisture-wicking attire⁠—including socks, running bottoms, and exercise tops⁠—so you'll stay dry even when you work up a sweat. Most running shoes are designed to protect your joints and muscles. Running shoes are cushioned to absorb the shock from high impact exercise. Designed to be lightweight, running shoes keep your feet from overheating. Dress for the weather—for example, wear a long sleeve thermal in the winter.

Find safe routes where you can run routinely.

Look for well-lit locations and buddy up on jogging trails. Choose areas, like parks, that are populated and only run alone in neighborhoods if you're really familiar with them. Stick to shaded areas if the weather's too sunny, and head to an indoor track if it rains. Start on smooth surfaces, like sidewalks, and work up to uneven terrain. If you plan to run in more isolated locations, like hills, then bring a friend or two. Remember to wear reflective running gear if you train at night. Always bring your phone in case of an emergency. Avoid wearing headphones so you can stay aware of your surroundings. Apply sunscreen when the weather's hot and wear waterproof attire when it rains.

Start moving to get your body ready to run.

Try out light activity to build your confidence and fitness level. Use strength training to build your muscles and perform interval training to improve your cardio fitness. For example, use 5 lb (2.3 kg) dumbbells for lunges and squats, then do burpees and pushups during a simple 5-minute circuit of interval training. Begin with quick routines that feel really achievable for you. Create an exercise program that's fun and easy to follow all week-long. Sneak in strolls during your free time for some extra cardio. A daily walk—like one you take during your lunch break—can improve your coordination, balance, and bone health.

Stretch to warm up before you run.

Dynamic stretches loosen up your muscles and prepare you to run. Right before you run, practice dynamic—also known as "active"—stretching. To increase your flexibility so your runs are easier, try dynamic stretches that make you move, like leg swings or walking lunges. When you take this precaution, you’ll also avoid any muscle sprains or injuries. Knee-high walking, skipping, and walking butt kicks are other popular dynamic stretches. Since you pump your arms when you run, also try arm circles or arm swings. Dynamic stretches are similar to the movements you make while you run, so they'll warm up the right muscles. That way, they won't lock up when you train.

Focus on your posture once you start to run.

Dynamic posture helps you run with speed, comfort, and efficiency. For best results, use dynamic posture, a way to move all the joints in your body for more effortless jogs or runs. Take quick and short strides—about 180 foot strikes per minute—and move your elbows in the same rhythm as your knees. Make sure your knees move forward and backwards without twisting. Look up as you jog or run to keep your head slightly raised. Once brisk walks become too easy, you'll be ready to either jog or run. This next step gives you a great opportunity to perfect your dynamic posture. It's important to use dynamic posture every time you jog or run to create the right habits, develop the right form, and avoid injury. Dynamic posture becomes more important as you run longer distance and need to avoid tiring out your body with inefficient movements.

Find your pace so your runs feel sustainable.

Stick to this pace to avoid fatigue and finish strong during jogs. When you run at the same speed even as you cover longer distance, you'll save your energy. That way, you'll be able to complete your runs without wearing yourself out. Since you'll find the pace easy to maintain, it's likely that you'll get a boost of confidence and look forward to your workouts. Even experienced long-distance runners mostly prefer to keep the same pace. Maintaining your pace gives you the best "fuel economy," which means you burn the least amount of energy no matter how far you run.

Split one workout into multiple sessions if it's easier.

Care for your body by adjusting your program so it suits you. While doctors recommend 30 minutes of activity a day, it's okay not to do it all at once. If you have an off day, sore muscles, or fatigue, break up your exercise routine. You might want to do three 10-minute jogs, for instance. When you're done, you can pat yourself on the back for hitting your daily goal. Steer clear of doing a week's worth of exercise in 1-2 days—that way, you'll avoid an overtraining injury from pushing your body's limits. Try cross-training to keep things fresh and exciting. Alternate running with biking or swimming to boost your cardio health and become a better runner.

Run longer distances as your endurance increases.

If you run a distance for 30 minutes without fatigue, try a new challenge. Thirty minutes of continuous activity that doesn't tire you out or leave you out of breath is a great sign you've gained more cardio endurance. If that's the case, go for a longer distance. For example, if you can run 1 mile (1.6 km) easily, try to cover 2 miles (3.2 km) in one training session. That way, you'll be close to running a 5K, or 3 miles, one day. With enough training, you might experience the "runner's high" that lots of people talk about. A "runner's high" is when long-distance running activates feel-good hormones that can improve your mood and relax you. Running longer distances also gives you a new goal to keep aiming for. For instance, there are always new races to sign up for.

Make a 7-week run-walk plan for your first 5K.

This training schedule is designed to help you start a race. Start this program when you can exercise for 30 consecutive minutes. During each day of the week, split your time between walking and running—for example, run for 20 seconds and walk for 30 seconds. Repeat your chosen pattern until you've exercised for half an hour. A 7-week run-walk plan helps your body adapt to a greater physical challenge and run longer. If you sign up to run in a 5K, you can have a fun goal to work toward. Some 5K races are charity events, so you can give back to your community while improving your fitness. Usain Bolt Usain Bolt, Olympic Sprinter Hard work pays off. "I think a lot of people, they see you run and they say, ‘it looks so easy, looks effortless’. But before it gets to that point, it’s hard; it’s hard work."

Remember to hydrate and eat well.

Water and nutrient-rich foods keep you energized during runs. Drink water at a slow rate throughout the day so you stay hydrated. To make sure you don't become dehydrated, weigh yourself before and after you run. Drink 20–24 fluid ounces (590–710 mL) of water for every 1 lb (0.45 kg) lost in sweat. Also eat a diet with plenty of carbs, healthy fats, and protein so you'll give your body fuel for long-distance runs. Sip water before, during, and after a run. Avoid chugging water—it'll fill your bladder and cause bloating, which will make activity more difficult. While you might've heard about "carb loading" for runs, doctors actually recommend that you stick to a balanced diet that doesn't just focus on carbs. Avoid heavy meals right before a run. Instead, eat a snack 30-60 minutes prior to exercise—fresh fruit is a great choice.

Track your resting heart rate.

If your resting heart rate decreases, you've become more physically fit. Use a wearable activity tracker that's designed to track your heart rate. Put it on before you go to bed to check your resting heart rate. If your heart rate is between 40-100 beats per minute (BPM), you'll be in a healthy range. A BPM of 40 is considered "athletic," so the closer you are to that, the better! Wear your activity tracker during your runs to monitor your maximum heart rate and see if you're in the middle of vigorous activity. To find the maximum heart rate you should aim for, subtract your age from 220.

Log your miles to celebrate your progress.

Record your distance to see how far you've come. Wear a fitness tracker or use an app that monitors the distance you've walked or ran. At the end of your day, take out a running log book and tally up your daily miles. By the end of just one week, you'll be able to feel proud of all you've accomplished during your running journey. Use your running log book to track how well your routines are working—you might learn you can cover a longer distance when you get enough sleep or eat energy snacks. If you'd like to eventually finish a 5K or another race, your running log will also help you decide if you're ready for the cardio challenge.

Trust that your health will improve over time.

No matter what distance you work up to, you'll be in better shape. As long as you get 30 minutes of cardio 5 days a week, you'll strengthen your lungs, heart, and bones. Your commitment to your program can also lift your mood and improve your sleep, so there are lots of reasons to stay the course and keep running. You've got this!

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