5 Lynched in Dhule, 4 Battered in Malegaon: Fake WhatsApp Message Haunts Maharashtra Now
5 Lynched in Dhule, 4 Battered in Malegaon: Fake WhatsApp Message Haunts Maharashtra Now
In Malegaon, a mob mercilessly thrashed four people. It was only after police intervention that they were rescued. Police said that the victims are undergoing treatment at a local hospital. However, their condition remains critical.

Mumbai: Even as Maharashtra police detained 23 people in connection with Dhule lynching incident, a fresh case was reported in Malegaon on Monday where four men were beaten unconscious on suspicion of being child lifters. This is the second such incident in 24 hours.

Social media rumours have claimed several lives across India recently. The latest incident occurred in Dhule district’s Rainpada village on Sunday where a mob killed five men after suspecting that they were child lifters.

Maharashtra police have detained 23 people till Monday morning. Videos of villagers brutally beating the motionless, bleeding bodies of the five individuals have also surfaced.

Meanwhile, a similar incident was reported in Malegaon where a mob mercilessly thrashed four people. It was only after police intervention that they were rescued.

A police officer said that the victims are undergoing treatment at a local hospital. However, their condition remains critical.

Rumours about child-lifters operating in the tribal districts of the state have been doing rounds, both on social media and through word of mouth.

Talking to News18, MoS Home (Rural) Deepak Kesarkar said, “We condemn this horrific incident. A probe has been ordered and a there will be a check on these fake WhatsApp, social media rumours. We will get to the root of this incident."

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