AP tourists stranded in Uttarakhand
AP tourists stranded in Uttarakhand

As many as 17 pilgrims from Guntur and Krishna districts have been stranded at a hotel at Uttarakashi in Uttarakhand state.

Sources said the 17-member-team of pilgrims had left on a tour of Varanasi, Badarinath, Gangotri and some other pilgrim and tourist places in Uttarakhand on July 28. They had to confine themselves to their hotel as Uttarakhand is receiving heavy rains, resulting in flash floods.

Speaking to Express over phone, PV Amara Varaprasad of Narsaraopet in Guntur district said they arrived in Uttarakasi on Friday morning (August 3) after visiting Yamunotri and were stranded at the hotel since then.

D Hemanth Kumar, a tour operator from Vijayawada, organised the trip.

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