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Taking a leaf out of the historical facts, former director of the National Institute of Nutrition Dr Kamala Krishnaswamay explained about the value of a balanced diet in today’s lives at a symposium on ‘Karkinos-causes and prevention’ held at the Asian Institute of Gastroenterology (AIG) here on Saturday.
Delivering a talk on ‘paleolithic diet’, Kamala Krishnaswamy said modern life-style and nutritional intake of people are far different from those of pre-agriculture era when humans were hunters.
“Physical activities have decreased and there is a mismatch between the intake of energy and its spending,” Kamala said.
Speaking on ‘food toxins causing cancer’, AIG chief of hepatology and nutrition Dr PN Rao focused on the role of Aflatoxin B1 that speeds up cancer after combining with Hepatitis B. He explained that aflatoxins develops in grains during its storage and harvest.
It is oxidised in liver and causes unrestricted cell growth, leading to cancer.
To avoid aflatoxins, we must ensure effective ways of preservation of food grains post harvest, he added.
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