Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg switches flights, avoids Asiana Air crash
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg switches flights, avoids Asiana Air crash
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg and other executives escaped potential disaster when they switched to a United flight.

Washington: Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg and other executives at the social media giant escaped potential disaster when they switched to a United flight returning from a Korean business trip.

They were earlier booked on the Asiana Air flight that crash landed at San Francisco International Airport Saturday morning killing two people and leaving at least 49 critically injured.

"I was on another flight from Korea at the exact same time," USA Today quoted Sandberg's Facebook status update. "We are ok. My friend on that flight is ok, too."

Sandberg said colleagues Debbie Frost, Charlton Gholson and Kelly Hoffman also switched flights.

Sandberg author of the recently released best seller "Lean In", took another flight from Seoul to cash in air miles tickets for family members, according to USA Today. She said the United flight landed 20 minutes before the Asiana crashed.

"Thanks you to everyone who is reaching out - and sorry if we worried anyone," she posted.

Full text of Shery's Sandberg's Facebook status update

"Taking a minute to be thankful and explain what happened. My family, colleagues Debbie Frost, Charlton Gholson and Kelly Hoffman and I were originally going to take the Asiana flight that just crash-landed. We switched to United so we could use miles for my family's tickets. Our flight was scheduled to come in at the same time, but we were early and landed about 20 minutes before the crash. Our friend Dave David Eun was on the Asiana flight and he is fine.

Thank you to everyone who is reaching out - and sorry if we worried anyone.

Serious moment to give thanks."

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