Telugu actor Siddharth says that the censor board has suggested the words 'Devuda Devuda' in the place of 'Allah Allah' for a song in 'Jabardasth'.
Telugu actor Siddharth says that the censor board has suggested the words 'Devuda Devuda' in the place of 'Allah Allah' for a song in 'Jabardasth' and finally the words have been replaced with 'Halla Gulla'.
He also said that, as long as his film doesn't end up causing severe communal riots he is happy and thanked censor board for upholding peace, logic and tolerance.
The film 'Jabardasth', starring him and Samantha is set to release on February 22nd. Nithya Menon and Srihari play key roles in the film directed by Nandini Reddy and produced by Bellamkonda Suresh.
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