Non-bailable warrant against Parthasarathi
Non-bailable warrant against Parthasarathi

A non-bailable warrant (NBW) was issued on Monday against minister for secondary education K Parthasarathi by the economic offences court in connection with the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA) violation case.

The court issued the warrant as the Enforcement Directorate (ED) submitted before it that Parthasarathi had failed to cooperate in the probe. The ED officials also informed that they had even imposed a penalty of `3 lakh on the minister for not appearing before the agency, but he had failed to pay up.

The ED had registered a case against the minister in 2002 when he was the managing director of the Kolusu Peda Raddaiah Tele Products. The ED said Parthasarathi had violated rules and regulations on certain kinds of payments in foreign exchange and securities and that during the course of the investigation, he failed to appear before the enforcement officials despite several notices being sent to him. Parthasarathi did not appearing in court on Monday as well, prompting the warrant.

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