Coriander is used on a daily basis in every Indian kitchen. Apart from cooking and garnishing, coriander is also used as an herb to tackle certain health issues as well. It is known as Dhaniya in India. This herb is available in most markets and sold at a very cheap rate. Pre-soaked coriander is generally used to treat many health issues. Dietician Mrs Anupama Girotra recommends drinking pre-soaked coriander seeds to solve some health-related issues. Let’s take a look at its health benefits.
Immunity Booster
Coriander is one of the greatest natural immunity boosters available. It has antioxidant properties that help fight against the radical elements in the body. Immunity is the main defence mechanism in the body. The herd helps fight any diseases. Coriander helps fight against flues and viruses like Covid-19 that jeopardise the whole globe.
Strengthens Hair
Coriander is rich in vitamin K, vitamin C, and vitamin A. These vitamins are essential for strengthening hair. Coriander helps promote hair growth. Soaking coriander seeds previously and drinking a glass of coriander water can help reduce hair fall and breakage. It is also used as a hair mask.
Helps lose weight
Coriander-soaked water can help reduce issues related to digestion. Due to its digestive properties, pre-soaked coriander water has been used at home for centuries. It is used as a digestive medicine in Iranian medicine. Drinking coriander water in the morning helps reduce digestive issues throughout the day by boosting metabolism. As it helps with digestion, it also helps with losing weight.
Blood sugar control
Regular consumption of pre-soaked coriander-soaked water helps fight blood sugar spikes. Diabetic patients use the same at home to keep their blood sugar level in check.
Helps Kidneys
Pre-soaked coriander seed water strengthens the kidneys. It improves the capacity of the kidneys. The drink helps fight against urinary tract infections. Apart from these benefits, it also helps fight against dehydration. It keeps the body hydrated and flushes out toxins from the body. The drink also helps with gastric issues.
Acne and Pigmentation
Iron present in coriander helps fight against fungus. It has antibacterial properties. The drink helps reduce acne and helps achieve smooth skin.
How to prepare the drink?
Soak one tablespoon of coriander seeds in a cup of drinking water and leave it to soak for the night. Remove the seeds the next day and drink the water. The used seeds can be used later for cooking too.
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