After DRDO Scientist’s Arrest for Espionage, Maha ATS Sees Many Officers on Pakistan Intel's Radar
After DRDO Scientist’s Arrest for Espionage, Maha ATS Sees Many Officers on Pakistan Intel's Radar
An officer said the matter was reported by DRDO, wherein his seniors had said Pradeep Kurulkar had passed on the information to a Pakistani intelligence operative. Earlier as well, several people from the agencies were approached, but they didn’t fall prey to it, Kurulkar did, said the officer

Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS), who had arrested Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) scientist in Pune last week, has now found that the Pakistani Intelligence Operative (PIO) had several officers from the organisation and other agencies on their radar. However, Pradeep Kurulkar felt prey to the honey trap in September 2022.

The contact was established with him through WhatsApp. Sources said it is yet to be found if monetary transactions have taken place.

A senior officer investigating the case said Kurulkar gave the basic information about missiles such as BrahMos and Agni to the woman, who honey-trapped him.

“There was no woman actually. He was speaking to people planted there to extract information from him. But he thought he was speaking to a woman,” said the officer.

But Kurulkar would pass on sensitive information in exchange of obscene pictures.

Agencies have found incriminating evidences against Kurulkar, which they are investigating further. They have found that some data was deleted, which they need to be recovered. That was the grounds for seeking his further custody in the court on May 9.

Kurulkar has now been sent to police custody until May 15.

Investigating officers have received some data from forensics laboratory, by which they have inferred that certain information was deleted from his mobile phone.

His digital footprints, WhatsApp chats and other technical details are now being extracted to investigate the case further. He has shared some images and data with foreign nationals.

“The matter was reported by DRDO, wherein his seniors had said he had passed on the information to PIO. Earlier as well, several people from the agencies would have been approached, they didn’t fall prey to it, Kurulkar did,” said the officer.

The agency believes that Kurulkar would have been selected as a target on the basis of his Facebook and social media profile, where he mentioned himself as working for DRDO.

Kurulkar had also made certain foreign visits on a diplomatic passport, more information of which is being sought now.

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