26.4% Women Earn Degrees in Management Education, 2% Higher Than Men: Survey
26.4% Women Earn Degrees in Management Education, 2% Higher Than Men: Survey
More than 25,000 people between the ages of 20 to 34 who have attained a master’s degree in business, administration, or law were surveyed.

As many as 26.4 per cent of students are enrolled in management, administration, and law are women, which is about two per cent higher than men, reveals a recent survey. Meanwhile, at the master’s level 33.7 per cent men are more likely to study business, administration, and law which is higher than women at 29.4 per cent.

The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) released the report, “The Global Diversity of Talent – Attainment and Representation,” to better understand representation in graduate management education (GME) degree colleges worldwide. More than 25,000 people between the ages of 20 to 34 who have attained a master’s degree in business, administration, or law were surveyed.

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Women in Europe are estimated to hold only 38.4 per cent of graduate business degrees in the region, which is lower than the global average at 44.8 per cent. While maximum women are from East Asia and the Pacific at 51.7 per cent of the region’s graduate business degree- holders. When compared across all regions, Europe has the largest share of those aged between 30-34 years in the GME pipeline at 41.8 per cent but the smallest share of the GME pipeline aged 20-24 at only 19.8 per cent, suggesting that many women in Europe choose to return to business school later in life.

The survey also highlights that African Americans are represented slightly more than their white counterparts at 3 per cent in the GME participation rate, outranking the Americans at 2.5 per cent.

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Among the seven regions studied, the largest pool of student aged graduate business talents falls in East Asia and the Pacific, which is also the largest source of bachelor’s degree-holders in the fields of business, administration, and law. While China and India, contribute the most to both the graduate and undergraduate levels of business talents, the US comes a close third. Pakistan and Turkey are two other notable inclusions in the top 10 sources, with business grads accounting for 28 per cent and 40 per cent respectively of the country’s total bachelor’s degree-holders.

Globally, of the more than 61 million people assumed to have attained a master’s degree, approximately 24 per cent have earned GME degrees. By region, the highest business concentration among all master’s degree-holders is seen in Latin America (33.1 per cent), the Middle East (27.6 per cent), East Asia, and the Pacific (26.6 per cent). In addition, Colombia (65.6 per cent) and Dominican Republic (64.5 per cent). have greater representation of females within the student-age population of 20 to 34 who are assumed to have attained a master’s degree in the subject of business, administration, or law.

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