Rate your MPs: Methodolgy of CNN-IBN-ADR survey
Rate your MPs: Methodolgy of CNN-IBN-ADR survey
CNN-IBN has tied up with the Association for Democatic Reforms to bring you the first of its kind report card of all of India's 543 MPs.

This general election season, CNN-IBN has tied up with the Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) to bring you the first of its kind report card of all of India's 543 MPs. Over the next several weeks, we will bring you the report cards of the prominent MPs.

Methodology: How to rate MPs?

1. Importance is a rating given by voters. A.Score of 10 means it is most important, and a low score means the issue is not so important. For further clarity, ADR asked voters whether the issue was Very Important, Important, or Not Important. On a 10 point scale the scores would be 10, 6.67 and 3.33 respectively for Very Important, Important, and Not Important. We asked "Good" score 10; "Average" score 6.67 and "Bad" score 3.33. If the Importance score is more than the performance score it means voters are unhappy. If Importance score is less than performance, then voters are actually happy.

2. Dissatisfaction has been recalculated. ADR has done is that someone with a score of Importance of 7 and a Performance score of 3.33 has done badly as voters have given the worst possible score of 3.33 on an importance score of 7. Then the voters are 100 per cent dissatisfied. If the score is somewhere between 3.33 and 7, we scale it appropriately to get the percentage dissatisfaction. If the score of the MP is 7, then the dissatisfaction is 0. On the other hand if the score is 10, then voters are 100 "happy". So negative scores are dissatisfaction and positive scores are "happy".

3. The correlation (or meaning) of Importance and Performance score of an MP may be already clear from the earlier responses. It means that if the Importance is more than the Score, then voters are unhappy or dissatisfied. If it is the other way around, then voters are happy or delighted.

4. On set of parameters, there are 29 and one more called "others". We can take the top 5 priorities or something and give the scores and Importance for each of them for the MP. Will that work?

All India - Sample size or respondents - 1,87,431

Lok Sabha Seats covered - All 543

All India - Overall performance Score - 5.61

Only 17 per cent MPs have been rated above average (avg. =6.67 on scale of 10) in their performance by voters

Highest Satisfaction - Himachal Pradesh - 7.37

Lowest Satisfaction - Punjab - 3.67

All India top governance issues

Better employment opportunities

Drinking water

Better roads

Better hospitals / Primary Healthcare Centres

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All India top rural issues

Better roads

Better hospitals / Primary Healthcare Centres

Drinking water

Better public transport

Better schools

Better electric supply

All India top urban issues

Better employment opportunities

Drinking water

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Better roads

Security for women

Eradication of Corruption

Better electric supply

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