Delhi Man Praises Saket's 'Quality' Roads, Ends Up Triggering Mumbai Residents
Delhi Man Praises Saket's 'Quality' Roads, Ends Up Triggering Mumbai Residents
Delhi vs Mumbai: 'X' user shared video of 'quality roads' in national capital, sparks infamous debate on social media.

Delhiites and Mumbaikars seem to always find a reason to argue about which city is better. Recently, a video of a smooth road in Delhi’s Saket sparked another round of this age-old rivalry. Bhaumik Gowande-Sathaye, the man behind the video, took to ‘X’ to tease Maharashtra residents about the luxury of such well-maintained roads.

“Hi people from my Maharashtra, Look at the road quality, look at the trees, no bumps, no uneven surface, no pavered [paved] blocks filling potholes. This one of the 500 roads in delhi which look the same,” he boasted. And as expected, this ignited the classic ‘Delhi vs Mumbai’ debate.

Those rooting for Delhi didn’t hold back. “Agree 100 %, Delhi roads & beautification matches international standards. Mumbai roads is a big joke except some patches of south mumbai. Govt Babus here are utter corrupt & lack sense of creativeness in modernisation. Very frustrating,” lamented one.

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Another quipped, “They will still call any place outside Mumbai as ‘gaon’. Typical case of frog in the well.”

Then came another voice, “Mumbai always have that orphaned treatment, and considering it is earning child.” And there was the inevitable dismissal of comparison, “Simply Delhi is capital of India, World visits it so central gov leaders also, they use central gov funds to maintain road. There is no comparison.”

But Mumbai defenders weren’t going to take it lying down. “Nonsense. Posting a main road isn’t Delhi Roads. Do post all small, dingy roads too. Besides, Delhi driving & drivers don’t deserve good roads,” argued one. Another demanded, “Please post some roads of internal Lajpat Nagar, Dwarka and western Delhi for reference, this is comparison with roads at Nariman Point, Marine drive or Eastern freeway.”

Then came a passionate defender of Mumbai, “Bhai itna hi hein to go to sare Khan area and stay there for 30 mins without a dirty fly sitting on ur body.Go and see the pathetic conditions there.whole Delhi is made a kudadaan. Do not ever compared Delhi with Mumbai.Mumbai is far better cleaner than Delhi (If that’s all you’ve got, try spending 30 minutes in any random area like Sare Khan without being attacked by flies. Delhi is a mess. Don’t compare it to Mumbai. Mumbai is way cleaner).”

And just like that, the comment section turned into a battleground for supporters of both cities.

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