Poaching is one of the most heinous crimes a human commits. Around the world, several laws have been made to tackle the problem, but the practice continues to prevail in many regions. So, a new experimental method has been employed to keep the rhinoceros poachers at bay.
As per the reports by the Daily Star, scientists have injected radioactive material in the horns of the animals, essentially turning them into “walking nuclear weapons”. According to reports, scientists in South Africa are injecting non-toxic radioactive isotopes in the horns of the beasts.
The main aim behind this interesting approach is to make horns inedible for humans. Twenty rhinos have been injected with the material, which also has the property to set off border detectors that are used in worldwide ports and airports for the prevention of terrorism and smuggling.
James Larkin, who is the director of Johannesburg’s Wits University’s radiation and health physics unit and the administrator of the injections, gave out a statement to the media. He revealed, “Every 20 hours in South Africa a rhino dies for its horn.” Adding, “Ultimately, the aim is to try to devalue rhinoceros horn in the eyes of the end users while at the same time making the horns easier to detect as they are being smuggled across borders.”
As per more reports, a rhino horn is considered an extremely valuable commodity in the black market. It reportedly has a higher value than things like gold, platinum, diamonds or cocaine.
A member of The Rhino Orphanage, in Limpopo province, South Africa, named Arrie Van Deventer said that maybe this approach will finally work. He stated, “This is the best idea I’ve heard.” These radioisotopes are mainly used in traditional Chinese medicine. The material was transferred to the animals’ horns while they were asleep. According to the reports by the government, around 500 rhinos were killed last year alone. Now, the scientists plan to expand this approach to other animals like elephants and pangolins.
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