- Search for a Tinder profile using the Tinder URL or Google "site:tinder.com [their name]".
- Find someone's Tinder account with a third-party app by using their email address, social media, or other personal information.
- Most third-party search tools require a subscription plan to search.
Use Tinder's URL.
Type https://tinder.com/@[username] in your browser’s navigation bar. Tinder exists as a website that you can browse as well as an app. Every profile on Tinder has its own URL, which is simply https://tinder.com/@[username] (without the brackets). If you know the person’s username, this is an easy way to find their profile. If you don't know their Tinder username, try the username they use on other social media sites like Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok. For example, enter "https://tinder.com/@clarkkent" to see if that address pulls up a Tinder profile.
Find a user with Google’s site search tool.
Type site:tinder.com and the person’s name into Google. This will give you search results from Tinder only. For example, go to the Google search bar and type site:tinder.com Clark Kent.
Use their email address.
Go to https://www.peoplelooker.com/. Enter their email, and click Search. You'll have to pay to use this service, though. You don't have to register for Tinder using this method, but you'll need to sign up with the third-party service.
Find a Tinder profile using their name.
Go to https://www.beenverified.com/. Enter their first and last name, then click Search. Once you search, you need to pick a plan and enter your payment information to see the search results.
Find a Tinder profile by using an image.
Go to https://socialcatfish.com/. You can search by using their name, but to use their picture, click Image then click "Browse and upload image here." Choose the image and enter your payment information to see the results of the search.
Find someone's Tinder profile with their phone number.
Go to https://www.intelius.com/. Click the Phone tab, enter their phone number, and click Search. Select a subscription plan, enter a payment method, and look through your search results.
Use other third-party search tools.
Many sites claim to find people's accounts online. Use these services to find a person's Tinder profile. Almost all of these third-party search tools and others that you find online require you to subscribe to a subscription plan before seeing your results.
Borrow someone's Tinder account.
Avoid creating an account for yourself by using someone else's account. You'll most likely need their phone to use someone else's Tinder account since it's a phone-based mobile app. Once you have their phone and the app open, go to Settings > Discovery Settings and add your location. Select Global and adjust the maximum distance if necessary. Finally, choose the gender of the person you're looking for as well as their age range. You should find that user if they have a profile on Tinder as you swipe.
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