How to Get Better at Call of Duty
How to Get Better at Call of Duty
Do you keep getting killed in Call of Duty games? Want to grab those enemies and get amazing score streaks? Want to get 20+ kills on a team death match game? Then this is the article for you!

Using Equipment Properly

Combat training is useful. You'll improve your skill at the game while learning the maps. If you're new to CoD, then it's recommended to start from here.

Utilize everything at your disposal. This is especially important about equipment. If you average 1.00 K/D, an extra kill per death through claymores will put you at 2.00.

Use the gun that suits you best. People might give you a hard time for it, but you'll have the advantage.

Run UAV Jammer or UAV. Both of these kill streaks are underused, but can give you a massive advantage. It's recommended to use Jammer over UAV, because it will give you an advantage.

Don't use red dot sights. Learning to use the iron sights can be a real pain, but it is most definitely worth it. Take an attachment like Dual Mag, Grip or Masterkey to really get the advantage. (Although using red dot can be useful if the weapon takes up quite a bit of screen space.)

Sound is your friend. If you have a pair of gaming headphones, you'll realize what this means. You'll hear someone shooting at you and can react before they even hit you sometimes.

Find your play style. Find out what you are good at. If you're quick on your feet it's recommended for a sub-machine gun class. If your more of a patient player, use an assault rifle or LMG. If you are good at camping, try to use bouncing bettys or claymores, and maybe a sniper rifle.

Using Agility and Fighting Skills

Find a comfortable sensitivity. 2-3 sensitivity it gives you better accuracy than higher sensitivity, but if you get shot from a place other than in front of you, you might not be able to react in time. If you use a higher sensitivity, you will be able to turn faster, giving you an advantage, but your accuracy might go down as well.

Don't sprint around corners. So many people do this without thinking. Take your time and go round the corner already aiming down sights. You'll gain a massive advantage. If in doubt, then chuck a flashbang or a concussion grenade.

Practice aiming. Practice one on one with a person of similar skill level, or higher if you want. Practice against them in a large map. Switch between this and normal play every couple game sessions. You will get much better at aiming.

Shoot down choppers. If your using Ghost Pro, you can really help out your team by taking out a chopper without much self-risk. Keep a class slot free just to take down all choppers.

Getting to Know the Maps

Become familiar with the terrain. Knowing the different maps inside and out can really help if you're playing modes other than team deathmatch.

Pay attention to spawning points. Knowing the maps can help you get kills by always knowing where the enemies are spawning.

Use maps to your advantage in Hardpoint mode. Another example where map knowledge can help is the mode Hardpoint; knowing where the next hardpoint is allows you to rotate early and get the points, and get a jump on enemies trying to get in that might not know you're there.

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