How to Say Hello in Romanian
How to Say Hello in Romanian
If you are visiting Romania, Moldova you will want to be able to greet others in Romanian. Romanian is a Romance language with formal and informal modes of address, so be sure to ascertain the most appropriate greeting for the context you are in. When in doubt, say "Bună ziua."

Saying Hello formally

Say "hello" in Romanian by saying "Bună ziua." This literally means "good day!" or "good afternoon," and is the standard greeting in formal situations. "Bună ziua" is appropriate from the morning until the evening. Pronounce it BOO-nuh ZEE-wah

Say hello in the morning by saying "Bună dimineața." It is also appropriate to say "Bună ziua!" at this time. Pronounce it BOO-nuh dee-meen-YAHT-sah

Say hello in the evening or at night by saying "Bună seara!" This is a time when it is less appropriate to say "Bună ziua!" Pronounce it BOO-nuh SAY-rah Although "Noapte bună" translates as "goodnight," you should not use it to say hello, as it means you are actively heading to bed. Say ""Bună seara!" instead.

Answer the phone with "Bună ziua" or "Alo!" "Alo" means "hello," but is only used to when answering the phone. Pronounce it ah-LOW

Say hello by asking someone how they are doing. Greet a formal acquaintance with "Ce mai faceţi?" Say it when you are greeting an elder, a person you do not know well, or more than one person. Pronounce it CHEY my fah-chets?

Greet an informal acquaintance with "Ce mai faci?" This means "how are you doing," and is only appropriate for greeting one person at a time. Pronounce it CHEY my fahch?

Saying Hello Informally

Greet friends with "Bună!" This literally means "good" and is the shortened form of "Bună ziua" Pronounce it BOO-nuh

Greet friends with "Salut!" This casual greeting literally means "greetings" or "salutations."Salut" can also be used to say bye. Pronounce it SAH-loot

In Transylvania greet friends, family members, and children casually by saying "Servus!" or "Ceau!" which both mean "hi!" and "bye!" Pronounce them SEHR-voos and CHOW.

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