- Learning the gameplay basics is the best way to ensure you're on your way to becoming a solo carry player in League of Legends.
- Play easy-to-learn champions like Garen or Tristana to solo carry in League of Legends.
- Know when to farm and when to join in team fights to keep or grow your lead in matches.
Picking the Best Champions
Play champions that are forgiving. You don't want to play overly difficult champions, like Jax, unless you have the skills to play them correctly. Instead, here's a list of champions that you can use that are easier to play and are a little more forgiving. Bolded champions are best for beginners. Top lane: Garen, Ornn, Sion, Jayce, Darius, Olaf, Camille Jungle: Zac, Udyr, Nunu, Rengar, Evelynn, Elise, Master Yi Mid: Vex, Malzahar, Ahri, Viktor, LeBlanc, Sylas, Swain ADC: Miss Fortune, Tristana, Kai’Sa, Caitlyn, Samira, Ezreal Support: Sona, Lux, Janna, Blitzcrank, Pyke, Senna Carrying champions aren't limited to only marksmen champions since some of the best solo carries are sometimes solo laners. The best champions change based on the current patch and meta. These champions are best for version 13.13.
Learning Carrying Fundamentals
Learn the basics of laning and how to play the map. Learn your standard laning roles (top, mid, adc) as well as how to farm, when to farm, and where to be on the map. Each kill gets you some gold, and using that gold will make it so you can carry your team to victory. If you don't have the game installed on your Mac or Windows computer, you need to do that before you can solo carry teams. Learn how to play LoL with tips in Play League of Legends.
Farming Gold
Maximize your gold per minute. Take what you can easily get from the enemies, whether it's in the form of farming waves, taking objectives, reaching level or power level spikes, and killing enemy champions. You can then spend that gold that you make to get buffs and better gear, which makes soloing an easier goal. Even though fighting for objectives might be fun, sometimes farming can get you the lead in the game.
Calculating Risks
Ignoring your teammates is a good way to lose a game. As a solo-carrying player, your goals are to quickly analyze the battlefield, and respond timely to team players in regards to retreating or pushing forward into fights. If you've already died once in a lane, you shouldn't be fighting alone in that lane anymore. If you die a second time, you risk losing gold and experience, and then the game will snowball out of control. Instead, count the enemy forces, calculate your chances, and reconsider your actions if the objective you're fighting for isn't worth it.
Remaining Vigilant
Stay aware of visual and auditory hints that something's coming. If you're playing the game but have the sound to 0, you're missing out on a lot of audio hints! This might be the warhorn that signals an objective taken, or the sound effect that plays when a player pings the map for help. As a solo-carry player, you want to stay on top of these clues and keep a mental image of the map, so you don't accidentally stumble into an enemy campsite unprepared. Keeping track of cooldowns and summoner skills can also come in handy when you're fighting or ganking a lane as well.
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