3D 'DAM999' is based on a real life story
3D 'DAM999' is based on a real life story
The movie will be released in three regional languages, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu along with English.

New Delhi: UAE-based BizTV Network's forthcoming movie, 'DAM 999' is slated for a nationwide 3D release in India on November 25th, 2011. Directed by Sohan Roy, this is the first international movie by mariners.

Shot in a single start-to-end schedule 'DAM 999' is based on real life incidents bringing to life the memories of 1975 Banqiao Dam disaster in China which claimed the lives of an estimated 250,000 people.

The film highlights the hazards dams can cause and plans to create awareness about the impending dangers of a dam collapse, if not attended on time.

The director, Sohan Roy says, "It was my deep rooted passion to make a movie on the Hollywood canvas, with a 'Made in India' stamp on it while bidding for the Oscars. The movie maintains a very positive note throughout, in the portrayal of Indian culture and values. In my voyage towards this destination, I was joined in by a group of talented people, including 16 National and International award winners, who sailed across this sea, overcoming all the hurdles and making it to the shore of our dream DAM 999."

'DAM999' has a corrupt mayor in the middle who builds a new dam for political gains and personal glory endangering millions of innocent lives. A movie with global ambitions, 'DAM 999' boasts of an ensemble cast staring Rajit Kapur, Joshua Fredric Smith, Linda Arsenio, Jaala Pickering, Ashish Vidyarthi, Vinay Rai, Vimala Raman, Megha Burman, Gary Richardson and Jineet Rath.

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