Congress Working Comittee Meets to Discuss Party Strategy Ahead of Ayodhya Verdict
Congress Working Comittee Meets to Discuss Party Strategy Ahead of Ayodhya Verdict
Congress Working Committee's permanent, met at the residence of party president Sonia Gandhi. Sources said that the members discussed the party strategy to be adopted in the wake of the Supreme Court verdict.

New Delhi: Top Congress leaders on Saturday attended at a crucial meeting of the party's working committee ahead of the Supreme Court judgment in the politically sensitive Ram Janmbhoomi-Babri Masjid land dispute case.

The apex court pronounced the judgment from 10:30 am. The Congress Working Committee's permanent, special and temporary members met at the residence of party president Sonia Gandhi.

The members discussed the party strategy to be adopted in the wake of the Supreme Court verdict, sources said.

The meeting was slated for Sunday, but rescheduled for Saturday after announcemnt by the Supreme Court about the judgment.

"The CWC meeting has been rescheduled to tomorrow 09.11.19, 0945 am at 10 Janpath. CWC members, Permanent Invitees & Special invitees will be attending the meeting," Congress general secretary organisation KC Venugopal had tweeted.

The Congress working committee, the highest decision making body of the party, decides on the party strategy on crucial issues.

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