A senior official of Mumbai fire brigade said all four were awarded the medal for the role they played in the rescue operation during the Kesarbai Chawl collapse tragedy in Dongri area of the city in July 2019.
Four personnel of Mumbai Fire Brigade have been chosen for Fire Service Medals for Gallantry this year, an official said here on Friday. The Union government announced President's Fire Service Medals for Gallantry and Distinguished Service on the eve of Independence Day.
From Maharashtra, deputy chief fire officer Yashvant Jadhav, senior station officer Umesh Palande, leading fireman Tukaram Patil and fireman Satish Shingajde have been awarded the Fire Service Medalfor Gallantry.
A senior official of Mumbai fire brigade said all four were awarded the medal for the role they played in the rescue operation during the Kesarbai Chawl collapse tragedy in Dongri area of the city in July 2019.
At least 11 people had been killed in the incident.
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