Mosquito-borne Diseases: Two Most Effective Treatments for Dengue
Mosquito-borne Diseases: Two Most Effective Treatments for Dengue
The first treatment plan is TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine, which heals the body by clearing the collected plaque and detoxing the body.

Dengue, a vector-borne disease, has given serious issues to the country. With a constant rise in the numbers of dengue cases, despite preventive measures, it becomes necessary to look beyond the available methods. Also known as ‘breakbone fever’ or ‘dandy fever’, dengue stays one of the most menacing infections, in addition to other vector-borne diseases like malaria, chikungunya and zika. All caused by viruses, transmitted by pathogens, the mosquito-borne diseases are an issue of worry.

Transmitted through the Aedes mosquito, Dengue claims a number of lives every year, with more than double reported cases. According to WHO statistics, there are close to 50-75 million dengue infections happening globally, every year.

While dengue is not a life-claiming infection, it can turn fatal if the patient is not provided adequate treatment on the right time. Additionally, there is no cure for dengue fever. The only option to tackle the situation is to tackle the symptoms and stop the platelet count from falling down further.

In most cases, the doctors advise medicines, blood transfusion or intravenous fluid replacement. However, the need of the hour is to be effective alternative treatment plans. Here are two such plans, which been used as a complementary form of healing medicine to treat the deadly dengue virus.

The first treatment plan is TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine, which heals the body by clearing the collected plaque and detoxing the body. In this process, certain herbal concoctions based on the ancient formulation, 'qin wen bai tu san' are used. TCM doesn’t provide cure for dengue fever, but it helps in recovery and in the initial stages.

The therapy starts once the infection has been diagnosed. After finding the stage of the disease and checking the platelet count, the patient is advised a daily dose for three days. As per Chinese traditional beliefs, usage of certain herbs and food items cool the body naturally and ward off infections.

They suggest adequate consumption of foods like bitter gourd and papaya seeds, along with animal meat to heal and aid recovery.

Another effective method is Ayurveda, which helps in healing the body and managing health in a better manner. With the help of natural herbs and supplements, the body is treated during dengue fever. There are four systems in place in Ayurvedic treatment. The first two are targeted to boost platelet levels and pump up the blood supply, while the other two are centered on reducing the fever and providing a host of benefits to strengthen the body naturally.

During Ayurvedic treatment, the patient is advised to use Datura leaves, Kanghi seeds, Papaya leaf extract and Turmeric.

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