Sex makes men happy, women like petting pooches
Sex makes men happy, women like petting pooches
Sex ranks as a top activity to make men happy and women enjoy family meals.

Melbourne: Aussie men get their endorphins racing when they are surfing the net or having sex, whereas women are the happiest while having meals with pals and petting their pooches, according to the 2008 Australian Happiness Index.

For both men and women rest, relaxation and entertainment toped the list in the index, with quality time with partner also making the top four for each sex. But that's where the similarities end.

According to the index, sex ranks as a top five activity to make men happy and surfing the Internet tops even that at number three.

Sex and the Internet were also top 10 choices for women to make them happy, but enjoying a family meal and playing with pets or children ranked much higher.

Eating comfort food scored in the top 10 for both sexes, but the more discerning men questioned said they preferred great food and wine or drinking with friends to reaching for the chocolate.

Despite the notion, shopping does not make all women happy - only 30 per cent were happiest when shopping for new clothes, shoes or accessories, the study found.

One in two women said reading a good book made them happy whereas less than one in three men said the same, and 36 per cent of generous-natured women said buying gifts made them feel joyful, compared to a miserly 19 per cent of men.

The index was compiled by marketing consultants The Leading Edge who spoke to more than 8500 Australians aged between 18 and 64.

"Australians are made happy on a week-to-week basis, not by possessions and achievements, but by entertaining experiences and by meaningful interactions with others," quoted The Leading Edge managing director Karen Phillips, as saying.

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