Check Details of Festivals and Vrats Falling in The Month of Ashadh
Check Details of Festivals and Vrats Falling in The Month of Ashadh
As per the Hindu calendar the month of Ashadh will begin from June 15.

The month of Ashadh is the fourth month of the Hindu calendar and this year it begins from Wednesday, June 15. It will set in from Pratipada of Krishna Paksha, the dark lunar fortnight as per the Hindu Panchang, and will end on Wednesday, July 13. This is considered as a holy month as many important fasts and festivals are observed during this month.

The important days in the month of Ashadh include Devshayani Ekadashi, Yogini Ekadashi, Mithun Sankranti, Sankashti Chaturthi, Amavasya, Purnima, Pradosh Vrat, Guru Purnima, Jagannath Rath Yatra and Gupt Navratri among others.

According to Hindu epics, Lord Vishnu goes into Yoga Nidra during this period and the devotees who keep fast get blessings of Lord Vishnu. The Chaturmasya starts from this month and all the gods go to Shayan (sleep) during this period of four months. So, as per Hindu traditions no auspicious work is done during Chaturmasya.

Here are the dates for all the festivals and vrats so that you don’t miss any important ones.

June 15, Wednesday: Mithun Sankranti, Ashadh Krishna Pratipada

June 17, Friday: Krishnapingal Sankashti Chaturthi

June 20, Monday: Kalashtami fast, monthly Janmashtami

June 24, Friday: Yogini Ekadashi

June 26, Sunday: Pradosh Vrat

June 27, Monday: Monthly Shivaratri

June 29, Wednesday: Ashadh Amavasya

June 30, Thursday: Beginning of Gupt Navratri, Chandra Darshan

July 01, Friday: Jagannath Rath Yatra in Puri, Odisha

July 03, Sunday: Vinayaka Chaturthi Vrat

July 04, Monday: Skanda Shashti

July 09, Tuesday: Gauri Vrat

July 10, Sunday: Devshayani Ekadashi, Vasudev Dwadashi, Beginning of Chaturmasya Vrat

July 11, Monday: Som Pradosh Vrat

July 12, Tuesday: Jayaparvati Vrat

July 13, Wednesday: Guru Purnima, Ashadh Purnima, Vyas Purnima

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