How to Repair a Mercury Thermometer
How to Repair a Mercury Thermometer
If the column of mercury (or other indicating fluid) in a thermometer separates, the void will render the indicated temperature inaccurate. Here are some ways to remove the void in the column. Please read all the steps before attempting this.


Inspect the thermometer for damage. Do not use it anymore if it is cracked or damaged in any way. It has served its life and needs to be disposed of properly (see Warnings below).

Note the temperature indicated.

Choose a method for repairing the separated mercury.


Place the thermometer in the sink.

Gradually heat the bulb with a hair dryer on warm. The mercury will rise to the top of the thermometer and join together.

Allow the thermometer to gradually cool down to room temperature.

If you need to take several attempts, just heat and cool gradually. Do not overheat, as the thermometer could burst.


Firmly grasp the thermometer near the top, so that the bulb containing the mercury (or other indicating fluid) is pointed downward.

Rapidly move the thermometer down and sharply reverse direction (and snap the wrist upward). When the thermometer reaches the lowest point of the stroke several times.

Recheck the indicated temperature. If the indicated temperature has been reduced from the last time checked, continue shaking the thermometer downward. It will likely require repeating many times before the void in the column has disappeared.


Hold the thermometer vertically - with the bulb directed downward.

Drop the thermometer on a bed, pillow, or even a towel folded so that it is 8 (or more) times the non-folded thickness. Not more than a one or two foot drop is recommended.

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